TIM 2.0 Release

Dear TIM User,

Here he is, TIM 2, TIM's 'Fast & Furious' brother!

TIM 2 is faster and more efficient with a whole new graphical interface. Next to all known functionalities, this time focus has been on performance and user experience. All data will be handled more efficient while it will be more clear how to use our power tool. Time is Money? 

TIM 2 will appear in the AppStore next to TIM '1' and is only compatible with iOS8 or higher. For the 4th generation iPods running iOS6 the TIM '1' app will remain available. From now on new functionalities will be developed for TIM 2.

Next to downloading the app and updating iOS you will need to update TIM Back-office. Please find all necessary updates on TIM-wiki.

Check out TIM user manual 2.0 for the latest user manual and all other information regarding TIM. But remember: Time is Money!

Kind regards,
Team TIM